Monday, January 18, 2010


Yoganista: A grrl with a passion for fashion; flirting with yoga (read: not quite ready to commit to a lifetime of downward facing dogs, but willing to give it a good old college try).

Left: Me Right: Movie Stand-In Sara Rue

The Goal: Get stretchier while learning to stay in the now. I've got a lot of anxiety over finishing my dissertation and figuring out what to do with my life and I hope this helps me make time to be quiet and listen. I’d like to say that I’m trying yoga just for the sake of yoga itself, but that’s not the case. I also want to get some skiing time in this March and thought this would be a good way improve my endurance.

The Contender: A 30 year old PhD student trying to discover her passion and execute her next life move.

The Plan: Attend an 8-week beginning yoga series.

How it came to be: I admit it, I’m the person who loves to try new things, but then quickly drops the ball (bootcamp, 5K training, Zumba, craft projects, etc., etc.). I had tried a yoga class a few years back and liked it, but never got into it more consistently. My renewed interest had something to do with the time of year (New Year’s Resolution to shape up, anyone?) and a mention in one of my recent chick lit reads (single girl in NYC trying to meet guys by responding to roommate ads). The fates so aligned that when I was cruising the internet looking for possible yoga options in Lubbock, I stumbled upon a studio with a beginner’s class starting the next week. It fit my time schedule, was affordable, and a friend agreed to do it with me. Gulp! All of my potential excuses ripped right out of my grubby little hands. Nothing left to do, but hand over my credit card and dust off my yoga mat - literally, I live in West Texas.

Making this challenge more me: There are lots of positives associated with the practice of yoga (stress reduction, muscle toning, improvements in concentration). I’ll take a little (or a lot) of each of those please! While I look forward to seeing what benefits I gain, I also want it to be a good time. Therefore, I will be playing the role of fart detective in my class. Come on!? That many people bending and stretching themselves into awkward poses, someone is bound to let one slip! Therefore each post will close with an anal acoustics tally. There will be two categories: Silent, but deadly (SBD) and Loud and Proud (L&P).

Pose on!


  1. So much to love about this post! I like how yoga tied into finishing your dissertation, and I am very impressed by the cartoon of the downward facing dog farter. And Sara Rue makes a much classier Stephanie Haygood than Kim Kardashian. No offense to Kim.

  2. Megan (or anyone)- I changed the blog template (can you tell that I've been bored?) but I am not at all attached to it. I was trying to find a theme that kind of fit with what we were doing, but since what we're all doing is so different, this is about the best I could come up with. Anyway, anyone feel free to change it again.

  3. I've taken a yoga class before... you shouldn't be too hard pressed for farts to detect. Good luck!
