Friday, May 7, 2010

Tonganterror: Week 10 and Week 11

I definitely forgot to write about last week. The P90X goal is still intact. I have been going strong and will finish Week 11 here in a few days. For the math wizzes in the crowd that means 77 days of bringing it.

As I approach the end of the 90 days, I am realizing that I won't have rock hard abs by the time this is over. I also won't be some amazingly fit guy. What I will be is a much more athletic and fit guy than I was 90 days ago. I must admit my diet was terrible from start to finish. I have not lost a pound in all the time that I have been doing the workout. However, I feel I am much more muscular than before. I have lost 6.5 inches around my waistline (at the belly button) and I can touch my toes. At the end of the day, I have found a serious workout plan that I can do and have made it a habit. So I'm marking this goal down as a big fat "satisfactory".

I have had many friends start the program and fall off the wagon. To those that felt that the program was too hard, I say "just keep pushing play". There were days we felt terrible, there were days we didn't have time, there were days that weren't really all that effective for working out; but as we kept pushing play, we created a habit that propelled us forward. Now the momentum will for sure see us through. I hope the fallen friends will get back in to the workout and see it through. I am a much happier, confident person because I was able to stick with this goal. I wish that for anyone else who might be pursuing any worthwhile goal.

I am going to make an effort to get serious about diet now that I have locked in the P90X habit. I figure another year of this combined with a good diet will leave me about where I want to be. The program will end in two weeks, wherein, hopefully i will have found my "before" pics and will post next to my after pics. This is just round one, however, of what promises to be a great fight with P90X. BRING IT!

1 comment:

  1. I LOVE THAT PIC!!! too funny lol. Hey keep bringing it with P90X, if you need any motivation or tips stop by my site.

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