Monday, March 15, 2010

Shape Shifter---In Detox

The plan originally started with just giving up caffeine. There are particular medical reasons why my doctor has suggested that I not drink it, but is was more of the fact that I have used my 'need' for caffeine to not do things that I need to...ex. fasting. When it hit me that I was being controlled by this substance and that my whole purpose when I arise has been to reach for a beloved Diet Dr. Pepper, I realized that I needed to quit drinking the stuff. Having 'gone off' of' caffeine before, I knew that there would be several days worth of withdrawals and I might not be suitable for public interactions. I decided to wait until my Spring Break to deal with here I am...Day #2 of Detox. But I figured that while I am giving up caffeine, I should give up another white super evil in my life...Sugar...
Now, please do not judge if I fail abysmally at this one. I just really think that I obviously put too much junk food into my mouth and that if I spent more time putting healthy food in my mouth, it will help me to reach my goal of running a 5K. I admit that I see the 'skinny' girls drinking their coke, eating their Snickers and I wonder "If they can do it and stay skinny why can't I?" I am afraid that for some reason, I did not win that genetic jackpot. I will never be a tiny is not in the genetic make-up, but I can be a fit and in-shape girl. I can be the best me---and that is my goal. It is the goal with my 5K and the goal with conquering my caffeine and sugar addictions.
Speaking of the 5K---my workout partner and I are officially on Week 3! We have found a 5K to run in the LBK on Memorial Weekend!

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