I feel like this pie sounds delicious. It might even look delicious. But it was only pretty good.
Definitely not bad, but not amazing. But it was really easy, since it didn't call for a crust.
You mix self-rising flour with milk, egg, and a cook-and-serve packet of vanilla pudding. Put it in the pie plate and top with canned peaches.

I crammed as many peaches as I could on there.

This excited Dane.

Then comes the cream cheese/sugar/peach syrup from the can topping. I didn't get a picture because I couldn't get it to spread very well though.
Then, you "sprinkle" 1/4 c sugar mixed with 1 tbsp. cinnamon on the top. I put "sprinkle" in quotes because it's a ton of topping. The whole top is just covered in it.

Then bake. I was hoping the cinnamon sugar would turn into a carmelly sauce, but it didn't. It also took over twice as long to cook as the book said. I'm not sure of the explanation for that.
Anyway, then cool completely before serving.

A decent yum.
Flavor: 7. Really, not bad, but not like "wow, I'm going to impress people with this one."
Execution: 8. I think it was a pretty delicious looking pie.
Difficulty: Very easy
Overall rating: *** 3 out of 5 stars.
I'm excited for the pie that really makes you say, "Jump back." I feel like you are still searching for that one. This one looks good, though. PS. Is it considered a pie if it doesn't have a crust?
ReplyDeleteThe idea of making a pie without having to make a crust (always the part I'm most likely to botch) really appeals to me. Isn't it funny how much of cooking is about what other people will think of it? I'm always thinking about recipes in terms of whether or not I would serve it to anyone outside of my family.