Monday, February 8, 2010

Bring It: Week One and I guess Two

I had every intention of writing about my first week of P90X. In my head I had pretty much written about the pain of the workouts. How after my first workout called Core Synergistics I couldn't even laugh. And how I decided to do the diet and after two days with only one carb a day and cutting all sugar out of my life I was so ornery and my boss finally went and bought me a Diet Coke because apparently I wasn't the joy and delight I normally am. Or the fact that I have to eat 7 servings of protein a day. 7!!! And that my poor little body didn't know what I was doing to it. And how I was going to tell you about how they do these painful things like one-legged wall squats and you almost want to cry.

But then time just got away from me and next thing I knew the 2nd week was almost over and I was thinking about how I would write about how I hardly eat any carbs now but I'm kind of okay with it. (Okay with the exception of Sunday night but it was Super Bowl Sunday and I had to try the cake George made and it was delicious!!!) And how my roommate, Treva, now gets up with me in the morning and we work out together at 5:00 AM. And how we make fun of the people on the video and are pretty sure that two of them are having an affair. It's made my work outs so much better. Although at one point we were laughing so hard that we fell out of our yoga pose.

And now we are in the middle of the third week and although I haven't lost a lot of weight I can definitely see definition in my thighs (awesome!) and I actually really love that we've started getting up at 5:00 (4:30 on yoga days) and how great I feel when I go to work and realize that I've worked out for the day and feel kind of awesome.


  1. Wow. I'm extremely impressed. And I have to know-because this has always been my struggle-if you don't eat carbs, what do you eat? Everything in my kitchen has carbs in it, and I'm not ready to give most of it up.

  2. I am so stinkin' impressed! I don't think I could keep up with the diet or the exercise routine, let alone both at the same time. I wish you would have gotten a better George cake to blow your carbs on. (There have been some that were way better than that one, in my opinion.

  3. Okay, I'll be honest. I may or may not have slipped up a few times on the carbs thing. Usually on the weekends but Sunday's are hard!
    And the cake was good. When you haven't had a carb in two weeks a stupid cracker is delicious!
