Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Tonganterror: Week 8: Still Bringing It

Week 8

Days 50-56

I didn’t record my day to day this week. I guess the P90X has just become a part of my life. The 2nd recovery week was another hard week. The recovery weeks are easier on the joints, but much more painful in the stretching arena. My back was sore for most of the week, which might be a good thing because I am starting to realize I have quite a bit of tension stored up there.

The Yoga is much more fulfilling than in previous weeks. I find a lot of stress relief in the workout. By the time it is over, I am ready for bed. This is a dramatic change from the first week where I was crying in pain for the 15 minutes I was able to stay in it. Now, I am staying in for most of the workout, only missing the shoulder stands (I’m still not flexible enough) and crane (my arms still aren’t strong enough. I’m just doing my best at this point.

Overall, I am feeling better than I have felt in a long time. I was looking at old pictures of myself from 2 years ago well before I ever started on the P90X journey, and I have come a long way from that guy. I feel like I have really begun a workout program that will take me the rest of the way. I have not up to this point worked on the diet, but I think I am about ready. I haven’t experienced the weight loss that I wanted from the program, and it is definitely because of my diet. So for this last phase I’m going to hit it hard and see what we can do. BRING IT!


  1. I'm really curious about this diet because I imagine it is fairly regimented and not very fun.

  2. I think it has layers of flexibility (I still haven't looked at it). They have a route that's as rigid as giving you menus, but then also explain general concepts to follow if you don't want to go that route. But it's basically a low fat, low carb kind of deal.
