Saturday, April 17, 2010

Pie Are Squared: Miss Bradley's Cottage Cheese Pie

I was kind of unmotivated to get a good picture of this pie, since it was not a pretty pie. The top browned very quickly, and I don't think it was supposed to.
Some people may think a cottage cheese pie sounds disgusting, but I assure you it was not. It had this part cheesecake, part custard texture to it that my husband and I rather enjoyed. The flavor was rather egg noggy, which might deter some people. I think next time, I'll omit the nutmeg (to get rid of nogginess) and maybe add something else. Chocolate? Fruit? Cinnamon? I think this is a good base for fun experimentation.


Flavor: 8-I wasn't the biggest fan of the egg noggity, but it was still a tasty pie.

Execution: 7-I think I'll have to watch more carefully next time to avoid too much brown.

Difficulty: Easy. Required egg separating and egg white whipping and cottage cheese draining.

Overall rating: **** 4 out of 5 stars.


  1. I like custard and cheesecake, but I agree with you-the texture of the pie is not pretty. But I love the word "noggy."

  2. If I could choose my address, it would be somewhere between custard and cheesecake.
