Monday, July 26, 2010

Miss Viola Tresvant's Blueberry Pie with the Crumb Topping

This was a yummy pie. I am really enjoying the berries of summer allowing me to make delicious berry pies fairly inexpensively.
I realized that I really hadn't been giving Ms. Patty Pinner the recognition she deserves with some of these recipes; the stories she shares about the women who provided the recipes have been all but forgotten on this blog. So I share with you the story of Miss Viola Tresvant:
When Miss Viola began going through her middle age "womanly time," she found herself having frequent crying spells. They became so frequent that her husband started just ignoring them, when all she wanted was for him to pay attention to her and soothe her. So she starting serving sparse dinners when he'd ignore her and bake this pie when he'd baby her. He quickly caught on, and both partners were happy.
Some might call it passive-aggressive, but if you tasted the pie, I think you'd agree it was worth it.
This is the first pie I've made this year that was actually gone in the first day. It might have something to do with the fact that we had two different couples stop by that night. They must have smelled the pie.
I just want to inform you of the butter count in this recipe:

Crust-1 stick
Crumb topping-1 stick
Berry filling-2 tablespoons

You read that correctly: 2 sticks+2 tablespoons butter in one pie!

I think the pie would have been just as good with half of the crumb topping; it took some deft piling to get it all to stay on top. But two of the friends who came over--completely independent of each other--both mentioned that the topping was wonderful and how they wished there was more. So. Bring on the butter.

Here's the pie, prebaked.


Flavor: 9

Execution: 9-the fluting just wasn't working for me.

Difficulty: Easy.

Overall rating: ***** 5 out of 5 stars.


  1. Since starting this cupcake project, 2 1/4 sticks of butter no longer frighten me.

  2. It really was amazing. I must be a wonderful husband to put up with all those crying spells. Wait. Maybe she baked this pie so I would stop mine.
    I will ponder that as I rub my chin with butter...
