With that in mind, the Patty Pinner advised me ask for a higher standard and use Pink Lady apples for this pie. I am not enough of an apple connoisseur to identify if Pink Lady apple pie is any better--or any different--from regular apple pie. But it was good.

I used the flag method of fluting the pie, which I thought looked kind of silly when it was raw. Then I added some little maple leaf crust shapes, brushed it with milk, and sprinkled on some sugar in the raw.
Once it was baked, the flag crust looked less silly.

Flavor: 8
Execution: 9. I thought it turned out rather nicely.
Difficulty: Medium. Though I feel like I may not be a good judge of pie difficulty. I'm not a huge fan of rolling out the dough, but it's not really difficult, but I don't like to do it, so double crust pies are more of a pain...I'll let you decide.
Overall rating: **** 4 out of 5 stars.
This pie crust recipe always leaves a fair amount of leftovers; double crust doubles the leftover. I always refrigerate the leftovers for a few days, thinking I'll do something with it later. I never have.
This time, though, my husband decided to put an end to the wasting of pie crust in our household and made a savory pie for dinner.

It was meaty and spicy and good. Thanks, dear. He did a pretty good job, eh?
Also, need I remind you that the biggest pie making holiday of the year is approaching? Happy pie making/eating, everyone.